Estimated Times: ( from when the order is shipped ) This may also fluctuate during the holidays, unfortunately, we have no control over courier delays
Free/Standard Shipping: 5–7 business days
Priority Shipping: 3-4 business days
Express Shipping: 1–2 business days
Guaranteed: ( from when the order is shipped )
*at times, Saturday is not included as a business day.
- We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or undeliverable packages and not responsible for shipping delays on the shipping carrier’s part.
- Customers who place orders with a PO box shipping address are automatically assuming responsibility for the successful delivery of their order. We are not responsible for any misdeliveries or unclaimed packages
- If your package is lost, stolen, or misdelivered, as the recipient of the package, you are required to get in contact with the corresponding shipping carrier to file a claim. We can provide you with all the necessary information for the investigation; however, please keep in mind that this is a matter outside of our control.
- Please note that mistakes made on behalf of the customer will result in additional shipping costs.
- Once your order has been processed and shipped out, you will receive an email notification with your tracking information and link.
US STANDARD: | $9.95 USD |
US PRIORITY: | $12.95 USD |
US OVERNIGHT: | $35.00 USD |